Mar 1, 2015

Heart to Heart(하트 투 하트) K Drama First Impressions N*1

Just finished the 1st episode!
I felt like I was watching a 2007-2009 movie. I don't know, maybe because of the lighting, editing and how they weren't making it so happy-go lucky. I liked that. And it made a nice 1st ep for me.
 I've seen the male actor, Chun Jung-Myung in Cinderella Stepsister, where he acted as the cool, gentlemen, softy that both the girls wanted.
And I thought he was going to be the same in this one. But it turns out that he is weird....He's semi-goofy and or insane. I got the "unstable" card as it went on. Like he has some issues. Which I kind of like, because he's a psychiatrist and that would be an awesome plot if he turned out to be crazy himself. And he fits the part so well!
(Not calling people who see therapists crazy so cool it lol) 

But I was a little surprised when he stabbed one of his patients. I thought to myself: "Ok, this isn't any ol' soap-opera." It has blood.
But I like the female lead, Choi Gang-Hee, she's different. Not the typical cutesy and overly girly type they always seem to use. But then she also doesn't seem like she'll turn out to be too prideful and the "headstrong", annoying tomboy either. She seems mature, I love her look and can't wait to see how she is developed throughout the whole thing.

Started watching today: March 1st, 2015~ 12:? PM

(My thoughts on the first episode)