May 5, 2015

Unloyal Fans Bashing Their 'fave' Actors

There is something that I greatly despise within the K drama- any drama community. Actually there are many, but the one I want to talk about today is 'fan' loyalty. How people can still call themselves fans when they turn around hating that person for one or even no reason whatsoever.

I've noticed with a particular actor, that people are always criticizing his looks and nothing else. My bae No Min Woo. I haven't seen it with anyone else but there isn't a doubt in my mind that says there aren't. I know there many going through this sadly. Hopefully this is the only one I see, because it's bad enough with him. 

Whenever he stars in a new drama, the first thing people say is- not all of them or course but a vast majority. Things along the lines of: 'Oh, my god. I hate his hair.' 'I hate his wardrobe-and what the heck is up with the way he's acting?' 'Now I'm really starting to assume he's gay.' 

Like really? It's hateful, it's gross and it needs to stop. What's up with the way he's acting?! For Pete's sake! He's an actor! 
I believe there's a difference in politely pointing out something you dislike, and listing them without any consideration whatsoever. I actually don't think that even made sense coming out.....
And I am not saying people don't have the right to like him only for his looks- you can do that. But you can't call yourself a fan-especially of his dramas and work if all you're worried about is his appearance.
 Their appearances. Everyone in the entertainment business. 

They act! There are meant to play characters, their job/hobby is to play people different from themselves and a lot of the times, outside of hers or his comfort zone. It isn't so much about the actor/actress but about the character they are trying to portray to us viewers. It takes skill, and a lot of it. 

It isn't fair. If I were to spend X amount of time doing a show or movie even, and I saw that the only thing people had been concerned with was my wardrobe, my hairstyle and makeup, that would suck. 

That is why I sometimes measure my fandomness, like, I'm a fan of Lee Seung-gi because he looked ultra adorable in Gu Family Book. But refuse to watch him in anything else because I don't really like his dramas/style of acting. Though that may change.... But I don't say I'm a hardcore fan when I know I'm not. 

But whatever, people are gonna do what they're going to do. And that's that. But I still wanted to put it out there, because I'm sick and tired of seeing it. 

Happy Watching! ^________________^ 

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^__________________________________________^ Annyeong!